I Am A Potted Palm will manifest in TWO events as part of IN>TIME16 , A Winter Long Performance Festival for Chicago.
SAT - Feb 6th @ 3-6p | LA LIMPIEZA - | Regards 2216 West Chicago Ave
A durational meditation on the limpieza espiritual, or spiritual cleansing, engaging elements of the hybrid spiritual practices and creating a microclimate amidst Slant, a sound installation by Ethan Rose at Regards. [fb event HERE]
This durational action will continue with the artist delivering each palm in a trek to Defibrillator gallery. Join us for the evening length eruption!
MON - Feb 8th @7p | I AM A POTTED PALM | Dfbrl8r 1463 W Chicago Ave
An evening length performance amongst the palms, including cinematic bursts, objects, actions, light oceans, and fuchsia skies. In a rare chance to see Acosta perform solo, let's get clean, lets be salt, let's make oceans together. Epilogue with guest artist Joshua Kent! [fb event HERE]
[ Following the performance at Dfbrl8r we will migrate across the street to Beauty Bar at 8:30 for a special IN>TIME16 edition of SALONATHON! ]